Math Machines Hardware
Instructions below cover a range of projects, all designed to help learners
Some require specific components, and some require specific printed circuit boards. Math Machines provided both to workshop participants. We have tried here to identify possible suppliers, although some information (especially prices) may be out-of-date. We have limited quantities of some items still available and would be happy to provide them to valid educational users at minimal (perhaps zero) cost. Low-cost workshops built around any of these projects are also possible. Please let us know what we can do to help. Email or use the Contact Form for more information.
All materials here are released to the Public Domain. Acknowledgement to Math Machines is appreciated.
Under Development. Check back for more projects
The Basic Switch provides 4 lights (LEDs) which will show the "high" or "low" voltages on the output lines of a CBL2 or LabPro. One of those lines is also connected to a relay, which can act as an on-off switch for low-voltage, low current circuits. The switch can be used, for example, to activate a PASCO motorized car or fan car for a specific period of time.
The circuit should only be used to control low-current, DC circuits. It should never be used with AC or other potentially high-energy sources
Motor Controller
This Motor Controller can operate either one unipolar stepper motor or four servo motors. It was originally designed for use with TI graphing calculators and a CBL2 or LabPro interface but can be used with other systems.
Breadboard Controller
This circuit allows a TI graphing calculator to control the digital output lines of the CBL, CBL2 or LabPro, operating toy cars, lights, buzzers, motors and more. Construction of this controller does not involve soldering.
LACI Smart Cart
The Linear Algebraically Controlled Implementer is a small vehicle which can be programmed to move in one dimension at different, precisely controlled velocities. The “Basic” version works with a TI Graphing Calculator and can be built without soldering. The standard version at right requires computer control but has more advanced capabilities, including the option to program complex accelerated motions.
Basic LACI Smart Cart